Crew Management

Swaran Soft crew management solutions can help you to improve operational stability, maximize schedule safety, and even create opportunities to improve your crew’s quality of life.

What is Crew
Management System?

Crew Management System is a unique online tool to collaborate the various operation processes. This state of art application will bring a transparent platform for management and staff.
  • Duty Assignment, Duty Exchange, Attendance, Schedule Periodic Rest, Transfer
  • Leave, Sick and Absence Management Training, Examination, Result, Inspection, Counselling
  • Asset Procurement, Inventory, Returns, Lost, Request, Receiving
  • Manage Roster, Penalty, Awards, Grievance, Suggestion
  • Cab Pick & Drop, Uploads Documents, Manage Defect, Allowance, Claims, Announcement (SMS & Email)
  • Define Dynamic Roles, System Access, Notification Authority Reporting

Crew Management System Benefits

Simplified staff scheduling (Pairing & Rostering)

Automatic storage of all staff safety and operational certification, with expiry warnings

System mobility, allowing an individual’s records to follow him or her from One Location to Other.

Better planning of staff deployment.

A combined system for crewing and attendance saves time and money

Notify the non-availability of staff on duty.

Serve as a tool for upgrading knowledge of the Crew and continuously evaluating their performance.

Duty number and time is notified to staff via SMS / Email.

Records for daily assets and radio tetra positioning.

Speedy resolution of grievance and suggestion of staff.

Find out how Swaran Soft helped to digitalize
crew management system in metro rail industry

A Mobile Application for your Crew Management

This application brings effective collaboration with the crew by bringing access to day-to-day activities at their fingertips in a user-friendly, intuitive interface.
  • SMS and IVR-based duty assignment and confirmation
  • Duty hours logging: Check-ins and Check-outs
  • Attendance and leave management
  • Status reporting and notifications

We are certified
Crew Management System
Software Providers

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