Energy & Utilities

IT Solutions and Services to different Oil and Energy Sector companies across the globe.

Swaran Soft is instrumental in providing IT Solutions and Services to different Oil and Energy Sector companies across the globe.

These companies include the Oil Exploration Companies, Petrochemical Companies, Energy Distribution Companies as well as Energy Sector Services Companies.

Some of the key services that can be provided by Swaran Soft are :

Case Studies
Business Requirement

GE wanted to supply MIS Tool to Saudi Aramco, Bahrain's - one of largest Company of Saudi. They wanted to develop Business Intelligent ROI Tool to enable them decision on investments of plant machinery. This tool was required to store the data of all plants across Saudi, which included 60,000 machines with detailed specifications. Based on this GE wanted Aramco's team to identify need of investment on any particular machine.

Our Solution

This was MIS & BI project wherein we created effective business intelligent modules to enable senior management analyse each machinery of their plant & invest right amount using PROFACT & Risk analysis. Working on six sigma benchmark was another big standard of software supplied to Saudi Aramco.


iCongo's digital presence of web, mobile & social platforms have reached immensely & with the use of proper technology social conversations have become convenient among peer groups & from 2012 onwards Karmayuga award will be given on the basis of most votes ,comments plus moderator decision.

If you are looking for Digital Asset Management for your organisation , write to us : or contact us.

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